Products Details



ALMASIR ARGO-80 PLUS is not a pesticide. But it does help make other pesticides highly effective. For a pesticide to be effective, a spray droplet must be able to wet the foliage and spread out uniformly over a leaf so that maximum area of the leaf is covered, enabling the pesticide to reach its target. However, this does not always happen as spray droplets tend to beat up on leaf surfaces, particularly on waxy and hairy leaves. This problem occurs due to the surface tension between spray droplets and the leaf surface
  • How ALMASIR ARGO-80 PLUS helps the farmers
    ALMASIR ARGO-80 PLUS helps the farmers to achieve a better and healthier crop yield through efficient use of pesticides thereby saving time and money. Although it is primarily an agricultural product, it can be used wherever pesticides, fertilizers, defoliators, plant nutrients are being utilized. This includes golf courses, household plants, nurseries kitchen gardens etc. Indeed an all-purpose spray adjuvant which on mixing with insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and defoliators increases their efficacy.
    As a result of that, the crops, fruits and vegetables are protected from diseases, pests and unwanted herbs, resulting in more productive yield.

  • How to use with insecticide, fungicides, foliar fertilizers and defoliators: Prepare a solution with any of the above and water. Follow, the mixing instructions recommended by the pesticide/ defoliators and insecticides, fertilizer/ foliar fertilizer manufacturer. Mix 5 ml of product (? capful) per 15 litters of pesticide or foliar fertilizer
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